At Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona, HTC announced its new flagship handset, the HTC One X. Like the Optimus 4X HD from LG also unveiled at MWC 2012, the phone will be HTC's first quad-core handset.The 4.3-inch One X comes sporting a NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM and a 4.3-inch 1,280 x 720 HD display. With an 8-megapixel rear-facing and 1.3-megapixel forward-facing camera, the phone is capable of capturing high-resolution still photos simultaneously while shooting 1080p video that can also be edited directly on the smartphone.
Much like other HTC handsets of late (such as the HTC Sensation XE and HTC Rezound), the HTC One X comes with built-in Beats Audio, offering the phone a bit of a sound advantage over some of its competition. The phone will also ship running Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), and will offer 25GB of free DropBox storage in place of expandable memory.
The global version of the HTC One X is rumored to be released on April 5 2012 and priced at around US$650. A dual-core LTE version of the One X is set to come to AT&T in the U.S. later this year.
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