June 3, 2004 An American company has released what is believed to be the first of its type - an electrical sexual stimulation device. Stimulation Systems is a Texas-based company specialising in 'electronic consumer products that bring pleasurable, life-enhancing solutions to the world.
'The company's first such product is a hand-held device known as the 'Slightest Touch' which works by stimulating the nerve pathways (in much the same way that acupressure or acupuncture does) associated with sexual arousal.
The device attaches to the ankles via two electrode pads, and sends minute electrical charges at the same frequencies the nervous system uses to signal sexual arousal to the pelvic region.
Unlike other sexual aids, the 'Slightest touch' does not bring on orgasm, but induces a pre-orgasmic state and testimonials provided by the manufacturers suggest it is very successful in achieving its aims.
One testimonial described the device as taking the user to the 'one yard line' (a metaphor for American football), while a radio talk show host who tried the product told her listeners, 'this is never coming off!'
The Slightest Touch Model S1 sells for US$139.95.
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