Discover the world nearby
Our world is bigger and more personalized than ever, with social media usage diversifying and expanding to include localized experiences based on proximity. Proximity has become a critical element of today’s mobile connected experiences, and the market for proximity-based applications is expected to grow significantly in 2015 and beyond. These applications are enriching the mobile experience, and proximity-centric apps are changing the mobile landscape. Retailers, venues, and municipalities, and many others are leveraging proximity to drive revenue and value.
Wi-Fi® is evolving alongside proximity-based social networking
Wi Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Aware™ is a new Wi-Fi Alliance certification program that extends Wi-Fi’s capabilities with a real-time and energy-efficient discovery mechanism that provides an immediate on-ramp to rich here-and-now experiences. Wi-Fi Aware’s ability to continuously discover other devices and services within Wi-Fi range before making a connection brings proximity-based service discovery to Wi-Fi CERTIFIED devices. Wi-Fi Aware will make it easy to find information and services available in an area that match preferences set by the user – and is optimized to work well even in crowded environments. Wi-Fi Aware will be a key enabler of a personalized social, local, and mobile experience, enabling users to find video gaming opponents, share media content, and access localized information all before establishing a connection.
Wi-Fi Aware means more powerful proximity experiences
- Provides continuous device-to-device discovery, even without a GPS, cellular or hotspot connection
- The technology works well in crowded environments and indoors – by design
- Wi-Fi CERTIFIED means it operates in typical Wi-Fi range across numerous device brands
- Allows bidirectional sharing of small pieces of information, e.g. location data, sensor readings,
and services in proximity - Applications easily transition to a Wi-Fi connection to use high bandwidth
- Wi-Fi Aware is app-centric, and users can control privacy and opt-in or out of identity disclosure
- Leverages the spontaneous nature of user proximity to enable innovative applications
Certification for Wi-Fi Aware is now available.
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