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Showing posts from May, 2013

LG Flexible OLED Phones Coming This Year

The lighter, the better. The thinner, the more appealing. These seem to be the trends in consumer electronics, something that we observe in the latest gadgets released. From laptops to monitors to tablets to mobile phones – what catches the eye of consumers are those units that are sleek and sexy. And speaking of sleek and sexy, flexible displays are well on their way . Talk about flexible gadgets has been going around for quite some time, with Samsung leading the pack – well, initially. Samsung has taken the point position in talking about development of flexible displays, but recent rumors indicate that another brand might get there before Samsung. Apple has also been rumored to be looking at flexible displays . With the announcement that LG flexible OLED phones are coming out by the end of the year being made, Samsung and all other manufacturers need to up their pace. The announcement about LG flexible OLED phones  was made during a call which was mainly fo...